Uncompromising Science. Unshaken Trust.
Lift & Tones
the Face
Acne & Pigmentation

Study participants experienced instant results with the skin lift device

The Science behind LED lights and their use in Beauty therapies.

Trusted By Experts. Built For You.

- Reduces Hyperpigmentation
- Enhances Lymphatic Drainage
- Inflammation Reduction
- Improved Skin Texture
- Boosts Collagen Production
- Tightens and Lifts Skin
- Enhanced Cell Regeneration
- Controls Oil Production
- Calms Inflamed Skin
- Clear Blemishes & Clogged Pore for Better Skin Texture

- Reduces Hyperpigmentation
- Enhances Lymphatic Drainage
- Inflammation Reduction
- Improved Skin Texture
- Boosts Collagen Production
- Tightens and Lifts Skin
- Enhanced Cell Regeneration
- Controls Oil Production
- Calms Inflamed Skin
- Clear Blemishes & Clogged Pore for Better Skin Texture

- Reduces Hyperpigmentation
- Enhances Lymphatic Drainage
- Inflammation Reduction
- Improved Skin Texture
- Boosts Collagen Production
- Tightens and Lifts Skin
- Enhanced Cell Regeneration
- Controls Oil Production
- Calms Inflamed Skin
- Clear Blemishes & Clogged Pore for Better Skin Texture

Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I use the skin lift device?
You can use it daily once or 2-3 times a week for a 10-15 min session.
Is the skin lifting treatment with the skin lift device painful or uncomfortable?
No, it's a comfortable massage that smoothly glides over the face. It's totally non-invasive so it's not at all painful or uncomfortable.
Can the skin lift device for the face be used on other parts of the body?
While the massager is built to follow the slopes and curves of the face, it would be okay to use it on other parts of the body as long as you keep it clean and sterilized before and after. Also, make sure that the part of the skin doesn't have any underlying skin condition. In that case, do a patch test or consult a dermatologist once before using.
Can the skin lift device be used in combination with other skincare treatments, such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels?
We recommend using the skin lift device as a complementary tool rather than a combination tool. Microdermabrasion or chemical peel treatments require a specific aftercare you should follow. We suggest you consult your dermatologist once before combining treatments.
Can the skin lift device be used on sensitive areas, such as around the eyes?
On a general setting, it should be okay to glide through but we don't recommend aggressive use of the device on sensitive areas.
Can I use the face-lifting machine along with my other skincare products?
Yes, we encourage you to do so. The device promotes better absorption of the skincare products, increasing their effectiveness.
Can the skin lift device be used on acne-prone skin?
If you have mild acne, a gentle face-lifting machine might be okay. However, for moderate or severe acne, it's best to avoid them.
Is there an age restriction for using the skin tightening tool?
There's no restriction of age; however, you might see the difference in the effectiveness of the device in terms of skin tightening and wrinkles depending upon age and skin maturity.
How long does it take to charge the battery of the skin lift device fully?
It takes about 1 hour to charge the skin lift device.
Does the skin lift device come with a warranty?
Yes, it comes with a one year warranty.
How long does the battery of the skin lift device last?
It's a rechargeable device so the battery lasts for a long time.
Is the skin lift device safe for use at home?
Yes, it's safe and effective to use at home. You can make it a part of your daily skincare routine.